
168 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Good work my man!

This isn't too bad, you need to add in more diversity in this tune, that melody that plays for most of this piece, needs to change, it plays that same melody for just too long without much, if any of a change

Other than that, this is a pretty sweet sounding track, it's a bit short though too

Nicely Done!

Peace Out!


Hit me back!

DJ-DaVinster responds:

Thanks for the tips & review!

It's short because, well, it's just a demo. The full version will be done IF Xx-ChiRoN-xX likes this song enough to want to VS or be Featured.

excellently done!

Man this is an awesome sounding piece! you're right it is very euro sounding, and that's cool :)

very happy lively piece, so much diversity, and I think one of yor reviewers got it spot on, you need to up the volume on the melody whilst all that stuff is going on in the background!

Good work man!

Peace Out!


Hit me back!


Erectronik responds:

lol thanks for responding, i havent used NG for like 3 years because nobody actually reviewd songs back then. but thanz for the review, i will be uploading songs that ive worked on the past 3-4 years!

I like this!

Man This piece was awesome, I only have one suggestion because this at the moment is all I feel you need.

you need to just EQ this track a little and throw in some compression for your bass and your beats, as there is some distortion occuring in this track, which will be settled with those adjustments being made

besides that, this piece is very well composed, and a very nice piece!

I'll give you 5/5 anyway

as I never had any awareness of needing to EQ when I started out!

Peace Out!


DJ-Moth responds:

Hey man, thanks for the review. Yeah, I see what you mean by the EQ. I'll mess around with it for my next song. Thanks man! 11/07

Nice piece I just have a minor gripe

Well! when I started listing to this track I was in 2 minds about it, I like how you start this track, the percussion at the start sounded fine, the guitar kicks in and I'm like "sounding good" when the guitars go off the scene from when they first appear, you go into that interlude, which I feel doesn't seem to flow too well, the transition between those 2 parts just need something there to assist this transition, a melody perhaps that follows on from the first part into the next, that's the only point in this tune, that I feel the transition needs improving. the rest of the transitions in this piece flow rather nicely and overall this was a pretty decent tune

Keep up the good work!

Peace Out!



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Spiked-Fox responds:

Some kind of transition like I did at the end, maybe? Yeah, you're right, now that I listen to it again, I feel that it is indeed lacking something there. Thanks!

Nice work man!

man this is a really nice piece, the beats on this were sweet, I like the use of the synthetic guitar, doesn't make up for the real deal (sorry man, I'm a guitarist) you had planty of things going on with this, the piano in this too was very nicely incorporated!

I would make one suggestion though, which I feel this track needs!

you need to do some EQing on this track, add some compression on your drums, when they hit, they seem to pull the rest of the sounds down with them, some compression here will solve that, and a bit more reverb on your percussion

Other than that I really enjoyed listening to this track, plenty of diversity, kept me interested in this piece!

Keep banging those tunes out man!

Peace Out!


Dj-Imfamous-bbent responds:

thank you i will make those adjustments

Nice work here bud!

Now this was a really good dance track, it captured the essence of a lot of decent club tunes it all seemed to flow rather nicely, I did think though when it first started, that the first 8-12 bars needed a counter melody, just for the sake of diversity, the beats were interesting enough to add some of that much needed diversity, but I feel a little melody to go along with that, would fit rather nicely

I would make one other suggestion though mind! I'd make the beats a little more pounding, just by EQing this track some more!

Besides those little points, I really liked this piece!

Keep rolling out those tune bud!

Peace Out!


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AphelionX responds:

thanx for the review, i figured that there were some things i needed to do on those beats, but im really bad at eq'ing my tracks but practice makes perfect

Yeah continue, with a minor tweak

Hey Solus, okay What you have here is a pretty good start, I think you should definitely continue with this, but if you do, if you could bear one minor correction in mind for it! just towards the end in the last 5 seconds of what you have here, there are like 2-3 melodies all interweaving, they seem to fall out of sync with one other, I don't know if this was intentional, if it was, then it could be used to give an interesting effect, should you choose to extend this. If it wasn't intentional, then if you could make the subtle changes to it, it'll sound awesome

everything else, to me, sounded great, just that one little tweak, I feel need's a little attention!

As is, this was a very interesting piece, and I'd love to hear what direction you choose to take this into

Keep up the good work!

Peace Out!


Hit me back!

Peace Out!


SolusLunes responds:

Alright, I'll make sure to check that out. Thanks for the heads-up. :D

And you'll get a review smack back :D

Very nice piece

Now I've heard both of these versions of this tune now! And I gotta say I much prefer this ambient version of the tune, this tempo seems perfect for it, the other one just feels a little unnatural, the pace here seems to suit it more perfectly, in my opinion.

You've got a fair bit of diversity in this tune, I did think on first listen that the first part lingered for a little too long, but soon realised it seemed more fitting for it to do so, once the next part to that came on.

Yeah I liked this, very original!

Keep up the good work!

Peace Out!


Hit me back sometime!


Kid2Will responds:

Hey thanks, its not that i think the techno version is better, after replaying this to myself numerous times, adjusting here and there, i wondered what it would be like faster. Anyway thanks for your review!

Nice chillout tune ^-^

Geez man you're not wrong! this piece is extremely relaxing to listen to! nothing seemed out of place with this piece, everything sounded great, I really don't know what else to tell you!

Good work, I'll check out your alt soon!

Peace Out!


MenialConstruct responds:

Well, actually this is my alt

My main acount is SineRider

Thanks for the review man

Dude awesome tunage

Man this is crazy stuff you've got going on with this, there's so many little melodies in there, it's extremely fast paced, I'm not so sure this is trance though, trance is less hectic, and kind of hypnotic to listen to, this is more techno than trance

Don't get me wrong though, this is awesome anyway, just so damn hectic, but hectic in a good way!

I would suggest EQing this track some more, boost those beats up a bit too!

Well I've given 10 for diversity cause you've got so much going on with this

I can tell this has taken a lot of effort 10 also

Definitely original 10

Clear as a bell 10 but I'd EQ it some more

Great Tune man!


Peace Out!


DekapitatoR responds:

Thanks ^_^


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