
168 Audio Reviews w/ Response

All 264 Reviews

Overall, nice sounding piece. with a good selection of instruments.

The start of the song has nice effects, the melody that follows that introduction is rather nice and sounds good with the bass playing the same tune.

I think you need more variation though, the same melody seems to play throughout, from start to finish, albeit on seemingly different instruments and they sound good. Just need to change it up a bit.

Could do with some work on mastering, I feel the kicks need a bit more oomph. It's a little muddy sounding.

But yeah, overall I like it

GreaserOfficial responds:

I see. Yes, I often struggle with having a good variety of melodies that all sort of fit into the same song. I'll be sure to work on that. Maybe I'll remaster this song sometime, because yeah I see what you're saying; the beat seems a little weak.
Thanks so much for the suggestions!


Hey man I just saw you place an advert in that thread.

I was curious, I haven't seen you round the forums before so I thought I'd come check our your piece!

I like it, reverse cymbal kick and I thought that's a cool opening, I've heard it before but not all too often. It came as a pleasant surprise.

Now before I go on, I'm gonna say this: I read your response to the last review and about how you name your FL files as you progress, that's exactly what I do. there's a better way to do that, which is: File, Save new version

saves hassle, it puts a number on the end of your current version!

anyway on with the review ;)

I would have put this under Trance more than Dance, but no biggy, it's gonna make people get up and strut their stuff! and it got me dancing in my seat! distracting me from typing >:(

The Melodies in this were pretty hot too!

Awesome job man! Keep up the great work!

Peace Out!


Jebbal responds:

Thanks, I'll take a look at the save new version thing next time I'm messing around in FL. =)

Hmmm ya I wasn't sure what genre to put this in... I just though "Well, the song makes me wanna dance... OH THERE'S A GENRE CALLED DANCE!" lol So ya, I just stuck it in there.

Dance was closer than techno though, right? I put the first version in techno. xD

Thanks for noticing the melodies! I took my time and tried to come up with something unique and catchy. Lots of notes on the offbeat in the main chorus, I like that.

Thanks muchos for the review man! Means a lot to me!

glad you reponded how you did :)

Hey Karco, luckily for you I read the responses to reviews I leave.

So I noticed you saying about this track, not a problem.

Luckily I haven't implemented the tunes yet, so, all is not lost!

I gotta say, I took your advice and trusted your description about the tune building up.

Very nicely done, glad you mentioned it in your response, the thread was getting a little unmanageable, with regard to the number of pages to sift through ;)

Anyway awesome track

5/5 and of course a download too :)

Keep 'em coming man!

Peace Out!


Karco responds:

Much appreciated for the other review. But if you have time to review more than one song per person... you should be going faster! =D Can't wait to see what you're doing with this. Thanks for reviewing, and glad you like it. =D


Hi Karco

I'm here with the review :)

I gotta say I'm impressed, I've spoken to B34T1N and he tells me he's taught you a few tricks ;)

I like the fast pace of this, a nice assortment of instruments.

easily a 5/5 and a download too

not much else to say really, great work!

Peace Out!


Karco responds:

Hey, Stealth, glad to see progress is being made. =) Yeah, thanks to B34T1N I actually know how to use FL. He taught me everything I didn't figure out on my own - I have a lot to thank him for. =D

Unfortunately, I posted on your thread a while ago and said that Nova was my new "signature song," as I don't feel this is an appropriate representation of my current skill level, but I'm not going to make you review another unless you really want to.

Thanks for reviewing, and glad you like it - I'm looking forward to seeing where you're going with this. If you're reviewing in order of who signed up when, then you only have two to go! =D

sub loves it :)

Hi Syntrus

Ok First off I gotta say, I streamed this first, then I read your description. I was intrigued to test your claim "a subwoofers best friend"

Yup more than true, my sub absolutely freaking loved it, I can feel...erm... I mean Hear...Hear/Feel it now.

It's a pumping tune, I just saved this review for after the download.

Yeah great piece, I love it, I'm more than happy with this for inclusion.

Keep 'em coming man!

5/5 and a download too :)

Peace Out!


Syntrus responds:

heh thx man

ratings based on file sent to me

Hey Solus

Having heard this already, with the higher quality version, I can already pick out the differences in quality (as expected)

Plentiful supply of diversity I love the organ in this and the piano too.

The Kicks though, sound a little clipped :s

I can't find anything else wrong with this

Good work!


Peace Out!


SolusLunes responds:

There's an organ!?!?!?

I'm going to have to go back through the song and find this organ you speak of!

By clipped, do you mean volume clipping (which is bad and would need to be changed) or length clipped (which is good because that was something I was going for).

This was a fun one to make- expect another song a bit like it! :D


man this rocks!!!

Hey F-O-D

I've decided to pick this tune, I much prefer it over the salty popcorn tune.

It's a great piece, you were slating your own music recently, claiming to have it deleted, whatever you do, reconsider that decision. I haven't heard all your music, but if this is anything to go by, then man, don't do it!

This is great, it had a plentiful supply of diversity, in it's 2:06 length.

I would suggest only 2 things:

A little more mastering, make it a little sharper. Also I would recommend using a higher bitrate for your audio, as this is only 128kb and you still have another 2mb or breathing space for your uploads.

The higher bitrate will benefit the music, it'll yield a higher quality audio, worth doing if you still have room within the upload limit.

Great work

5/5 and a download too :)

Peace Out!


Father-of-Death responds:

thank you so so so much man!!! =)

Thank you for the wonderful advice!!!

Yeh I like it

Hi Echoz

ok, I know you suggested 3 tracks, I've gone with this one.

I heard it and thought, hey this is sweet!

I like what you've done here, did you use any of your own self made synths with this?

I'm sure I didn't hear any presets here at all, I could be wrong.

It flows really nicely too, I like a lot, Happy to include it :)

5/5 and a download too XD

Peace Out!


EchozAurora responds:

This was actually the first song where I used Vsts, namely the Dream Sequencer and Transcender. Plus, the bass is a custom 303 that I made. The only default things here are the drums, and even a few of those are run through effects.
This song is still one of my favorites.
(I need to make more like it)
I'm glad you chose it.

Very nice, glad to include it!

Hey Maestro

I apologise if this is a short one, I got a fair few to hand out, as promised.

As ever it's another epic piece from you, it's another fine example of your work.

I like the mood changes that occur in this, starting out dark and mysterious and gradually moving towards a calmer moment in the piece.

I think I would say, the drums in this get a little hectic, there's too much of them, almost overshadowing the music that's flowing. I often never find a fault in your music, but I felt the drums were just a little too much.

Nonetheless still an awesome piece, I can hear what you were aiming for with the drums.

Great work

5/5 and a download too :)

Peace Out!


MaestroRage responds:

hmm, I really wonder why these drums seem to fluctuate in volume so much. You see when I create my audio I always use headphones, average run of the mill headphones like everybody else so that I can predict somewhat accurately what it would sound like for everybody. It seems however that this fails at times, because these headphones do not convey bass properly, as most mediocre headphones would do.

Sadly it seems that means the bass levels are escaping my detection from time to time.

Oh well, I guess I'll have to get good earphones, or figure something out, perhaps apply a filter? Not sure.

In any case, thank you for the review Stealth, i'm glad you liked it ^^.


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