
264 Audio Reviews

168 w/ Responses

Nicely done man!

Well I must confess I don't remember the zelda theme all too well, but I can tell this is a pretty kick ass tune you've got here!

I would suggest mastering the track some more though, it all starts to get a little messy when there's so much going on there's a lot of distortion occurring in it, a bit of compression will sort that out!

Still nicely done!

Peace Out!


EchozAurora responds:

Thanks, I will make sure to put a compressor on the master track next time. I completely forgot to do it on those.

Sweet Beats Dude!

Hey Greeksta cool thing going on here! This kind of had an oriental feel about it too which I liked added to by some of the percussion you had going on, I did think the snare got a bit repetitive though, maybe change it in places, alternate with another percussive sound, but apart from that I really liked this, you've gotta do a longer tune based off this it was cool :)

Peace Out!


Greeksta-69 responds:

hey thanks man much appreciation yeah this was just a demo still working on full version.

Nice again! and improved too!

Hey some drastic changes here, I had to listen to the other one again so i could tell what to listen out for, and you've done a fair bit to this!

Ok the melodies seem in sync now I'm sure, nothing stands out in an untoward manner there! I like what you've done with that kick! did you use reverb on that? and some kind of delay or echo? cos I'm wanting to incorporate that kind of sound in an experimental piece I have ideas of

Overall the leads in this have a sharper, clearer sound to them, which sounds better. They sounded good before, but you've somehow improved them, as well as having that fade in with them at the start, which adds to the piece!

yeah I like this! you're getting a 5 for sure!

Keep banging 'em out!

Peace Out!


SolusLunes responds:

That kick is simply a regular kick, reverbed like hell, and then stacked five deep to get that explodey sound.

Yeah, the piano was throwing off the sync of the melody, I figured that out after about three hours of "WHAT THE FUCK KEEPS FUCKING THIS UP?!" and then replaced the piano with a synthed organ.

The leads sound sharper and clearer because I spent some time on EQ'ing this, because I didn't just bang it out in two hours like I did with the demo, also, there's a hell of a lot of automation in this song, which helped improve off of the demo immensely.

Anyways, since this is v0.4, I still don't consider it done. But it's a damn sight better than the 14 seconds I left ya with earlier XD

This Rocks!

This is cool! very catchy! I love the riff on this, the song was decent too! dunno what else to tell you really

Keep banging those tunes out!

Peace Out!


Hit me back sometime!

Good work my man!

This isn't too bad, you need to add in more diversity in this tune, that melody that plays for most of this piece, needs to change, it plays that same melody for just too long without much, if any of a change

Other than that, this is a pretty sweet sounding track, it's a bit short though too

Nicely Done!

Peace Out!


Hit me back!

DJ-DaVinster responds:

Thanks for the tips & review!

It's short because, well, it's just a demo. The full version will be done IF Xx-ChiRoN-xX likes this song enough to want to VS or be Featured.

Very peaceful!

This is a really nice piece, very tranquil! and you say you were listening to fear factory prior to doing this lol XD cool :)

it's a bit short and I reckon you should make it longer that'd be awesome!

Peace Out!


nice piece!

This is a very nice interesting piece! I love the beats on this, and that whooshing sound that comes and goes sounds pretty sweet! this does get a little repetitive, but what the hey! lol XD

I'll give 4/5 it's good I like it, just a tad repetitive

Peace Out!


hit me back sometime!

Freaking awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

Man this is freaking awesome you're getting another 5 for sure! I'm almost inclined to say this is closer to metal, but meh! it starts off like metal anyway, then to rock, then to metal, man I'm not sure! all I know is I absolutely loved this track!

My only suggestion would be to boost the volume of your vocals a little more!

Keep it up man!

Peace Out!


hit me back sometime

Sorry man you've got a way to go!

dude what are you recording your guitars with? or rather how are you recording them? cause it sounds really messy! sorry man! I'd like to help with that I had that problem dogging me for a while! it's a bitch

PM me sometime maybe I can help!

This piece is better than the other I reviewed, though still lacking in diversity, and you only used like 3-4 chords, play around with it some more, add some drums and some bass too if you can!

good try!

Peace Out!


Sorry man, not that great!

well man this is far too repetetive! definitely not general rock, more miscellaneous

good experimental piece, I'm sure you could use that effect with greater effect, not sure what though

Peace Out!



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