
264 Audio Reviews

168 w/ Responses

Nicely done!

Eh cool Beastie Boys! damn my taste is far too eclectic, But I like, what I like!

well thanks for stopping by and revewing my piece, now this is pretty sweet. where can I get their a capellas? and is this all legit? anywhoo the beats on this are sweet! the synth felt a little sluggish. I find that happens with some instruments too. it sounded good, but I find it a pain to work with, as I like fast attacking instruments. but anyhoo you've done a great job with this!

Nicely done NoStrap!

ok I haven't fived this yet! I shall, once you've rated my piece which you reviewed. Thanks for the review! it's just I got attacked by some faggot zero bomber earlier!

Peace Out!


Nostrap responds:

you can get their acapellas at beastieboys.com sure ill five you i guess. all that really matters to me is reviews. ya the synth has a slow attack. i tried to compensate with the punchy bass. thanks for the review.

cool it's having the desired effect,

erm it's late, this track is playing and I think it's having the intended effect. it's a very tranquil piece. very, very well composed and orchestrated!

excellent work WinTang, maybe I should hit that book a little sooner now! ;)


Peace Out!


WinTang responds:

Thank you!
Yeah dude, hit the book, you'll be amazed at what it earns you :)

Wow this is awesome!

Ok I can hear the violin and the cello I can't quite make out what the other 2 instruments are! sorry I can't have the volume too loud either as it's late here and I'm at risk of waking the house :)

This is a very calming piece and I don't think you used software on this piece either, I mean for the instruments, they sound like they're almost live! so did you actually play these instruments?

btw what is GPO? you mention it in the description!

Anyway nice track, very relaxing!

Peace Out!


WinTang responds:

Hey, string quartets are cello, viola, 2nd violin, 1st violin.

GPO is the VST that the instruments are from, so that answers the question before that :), no I didn't play them, I just composed the piece, wrote the sheet music in NoteWorthy Composer, exported a MIDI and imported it in Cubase, then had Simon-F do kinda the same because he owns GPO and I don't. I have Edirol which is decent but solo strings sound like crap.

Thanks for the review!

erm what is og tel? :S

I like the riff on this, it's a very short piece too I feel you could have made this a bit longer. what software did you use with this? I can hear what sounds like scratching (of the vinyl variety) not sure if that was a sample or if you created that sound :S it's a pretty decent piece I wish it was longer though :(

oh and what is Og Tel?

Nice work!

Peace Out!


WinTang responds:

This is ImpulseTracker only, the funnest music program ever. It is about ten years old, runs under DOS, prefers low quality samples and has no FX presets or anything.

I'll explain this a bit.

The track uses two samples - both taken from "Let go", by Sick Of It All. The first sample is the small guitar riff. The second sample is their singer screaming "Let go!!".
Og tel. :)

When you hear the 'scratching', it's the beginning of that voice sample. Retriggering Fat Boy Slim style :)

Longer? I dunno, I thought this was actually a bit on the long side for the idea though - I was kinda done with this but then the old crappy-produced version suddenly appeared on the frontpage and I thought I'd remaster it.

Thanks for the review!

Wow man band effort?

Dude! is this a band effort I hear, here? or did you play all parts? cos man I'm thinking you did all the parts here, piano, strings section, guitars and bass(?) this is a very well played piece. the song is great, there's a point in this where it gets just a tad muddy, where there's lots going on, but I won't let that cloud my judgement of the song as a whole.

Man this was awesome


Peace Out!


Setu-Firestorm responds:

I did this the same way I do all my rock pieces. I create them as MIDI tracks, mix down to audio, and edit/mix it from there.
Absolutely nothing in this piece is real other than my vocals.

Very moving piece

Wow Setu, what's this piece from? you mention OST did you mean Original Soundtrack? if so what's it from?

anyhoo this was a most beautiful piece, I love piano pieces this was a very moving piece, very well composed and orchestrated! I have no tips or suggestions for you! just keep doing what you're doing man!

This was sweet!

Peace Out!

if you can spare a moment, could you review and rate my recent piece please?

yay pretty kickass stuff

hey yogosun! nice track did you use automation on this? anyhoo you're well on the right path. 3 tunes here and you're doing some pretty kickass stuff!

keep it up man!!!

5/5 of course!

Thanks man

Peace Out!


Jiao-Zhang responds:

No automation clips. I was planning to use auto clips in mey next song. Thanks for the 5! Thanks for the support stealth.


Well certainly has potential

Hey Tom Fanboy :)

okay on with review, you say your percussional works aren't that good, I would say, based on your efforts with this that they aren't too bad, the melodies on this were pretty decent if I do say so myself. and this has the potential to be a really decent sounding track, you'll want to make the melodies a bit more diverse in future, as it did get a bit repetitive, what with playing that same xylophone(?) for quite a portion of this tune.

Something you seriously need to start looking at doing with your tracks, is EQing them, this track is in dire need of EQ.

If you listen, you'll pick out exactly what I mean. At the point where the kicks and the bass come in, you start to hear a lot of distortion in this piece, and it makes the tune sound pretty awful. You can tell underneath all of that, that this has the foundations of a potentially awesome tune.

One thing that will solve those problems for you, will be the Compressor, if you add that to your mixer in FL you can tweak it so that all the levels in the piece, don't become distorted. You will also be able to add reverb to your percussion too, which will give a nice rich sound to those parts in any piece that you make.

it sounds like you haven't found the mixer track in FL yet, so that's something you will really benefit from using. and your music's real potential will be released. you certainly have the makings to be throwing out some awesome tunage.

So yeah follow those suggestions (I'd be more than happy to throw some more tips your way, just PM me anytime)

Well I'll give you 4/5 for this piece as it has real potential, but is let down heavily, by the need of EQ

Well good luck, don't be afraid to ask more questions, should you need to

Peace Out Man!


P.S. if you could spare a minute, a review for my recent piece "Unknown Danger" would be greatly appreciated

Tom-Fanboy responds:

someone showed me the mixer but the same day my producer version got messed up and I've been stuck on demo temporarily. So I can't send anything to piano roll and I'm not sure if i can EQ it or use the mixer in demo.

yeah I did this in one sitting because I couldn't save the file, so whne I get my real edition back I have to remake it from the tab I wrote down of it.

Yeah I see what you mean and I've been dying to get into effects like echo, pitch change, tempo change, etc...but I haven't had a chance to use the tools.


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